How to Install Windows 3.1 on iPhone or iPad?
Install windows 3.1 on iPhone: Recently with the new update on iDOS 2, everyone is interested in installing Windows 3.1 on their iPhones or iPads. To provide the best way on installing Windows 3.1 on iPhone with or without jailbreak, we have provided this article.
iDOS 2 is an emulator that will help us to run Windows 3.1 on any Apple product. The app has been released back in 2010 for file sharing. Later on, most of the features got removed by Apple due to security reasons (according to Apple).
The app even got removed from Apple Store after the new update. However; recently Apple allowed and brought back the application due to some unknown reasons.
NOTE: for this, we are not going to use Windows 3.1 from Floppy disks. As it requires old hardware which either is not available for most of the users or if found won’t work well. So, we have provided a way that won’t require any other hardware except the iPhone or iPad that you are going to use.
How to install Windows 3.1 on iPhone or iPad?

Installation of Windows 3.1 is easy and is the same as before (if you have ever used Windows 3.1 before). Before we start the procedure, you will need to grab a few things which will be required during or before starting the installation.
For the installation, you will need an iPhone or iPad. Any iPhone or iPad released in 2015 or later is better. Even some of the earlier can run Windows 3.1; however, it is recommended to use after 2015 for improved performance.
Bluetooth Keyboard and Mouse
It is optional to have a Bluetooth keyboard and Mouse. These devices will be helpful for performing the installation and even after the installation; they can be used for easy operation. If you don’t have a Bluetooth keyboard or mouse, then you can continue without them. Not having the devices will only make performing the operation difficult.
You can connect your device on your iPad or iPhone by going to Settings > Bluetooth and connect your device.
NOTE: if you are experiencing Bluetooth keyboard issues after installing Windows 3.1 then you can go to Settings, navigate and find Accessibility > Keyboard. There you will disable the “Full Keyboard Access” option.
Download Window 3.1 Setup File
Like we mentioned before, we are not going to use any floppy disk nor do we recommend you. You can download Windows 3.1 for free from the internet or even purchase one. But using a floppy disk is not an option at all.
Mostly you will find Windows 3.1 in a zip file. It is recommended to extract the files on a system. Make sure, you will name the Windows 3.1 folder in your device as w31 or something related, as it is going to be used later for the installation.
Download iDOS 2

Later on, in the jailbreak section, you will learn there are some free tools too. however; we would recommend users to use iDOS 2, as it is provided in Apple Store (for almost $5). iDOS is totally safe to use and won’t even hurt your devices.
Install Windows 3.1 on iPhone or iPad
Once iDOS is downloaded and installed on your Apple device, we will then start the installation of Windows 3.1. For this purpose, you will drag the Windows 3.1 files to iDOS 2. You can perform it by connecting your device to a Mac or a system with iTunes installed.
When you copy or move the Windows 3.1 files in iDOS 2, the contents will be part of MS-DOS in C: drive automatically.
Start the installation
Here will run Windows 3.1, by starting iDOS 2 and typing w3\setup at the C:\> prompt, and press Enter. remember here, w3 is the name I have used as the setup folder of Windows 3.1 which was copied in my device.
Basic installation of OS

Soon, the Welcome Setup screen will appear on your screen. Continue the installation, and choose the Express setup instead of Custom in installation type. Custom option is recommended for users who are using Floppy disks.
While performing installation, name your system, choose the type and continue until the installation got completed.

When all the installation got complete, you will quit iDOS 2. Then you will relaunch iDOS 2 again. No Printer Attached will appear, click on Install to avoid the issue and then click on Skip Tutorial. At the last, you will click on Exit Windows Setup.
Run Windows 3.1
Now you run Windows 3.1 on your iPad, you will shut down and will relaunch iDOS 2. As it is installed, you will type win in the C:\ in a prompt and will press Enter. After a while, you will see the Windows 3.1, splash screen.

Installing windows 3.1 on Jail Break iPad or iPhone
Users with jailbreak devices can use free applications as greenpois0n or limera1n. These will help them to JailBreak your devices (if your devices are not jailbroken yet). Download the application and then Windows 3.1. extract Windows 3.1 all the content to a single folder (on a system) and name it winsetup.
Now, add the Cydia source ( to the list which is right under the Manage tab and within Cydia. Then you will locate and install DosPad Beta.
Here you will copy Windows 3.1 folder (winsetup) on /var/mobile/. (it is recommended to use WinSCP but also make sure you have installed OpenSSH on your device too)
Then you will create another folder with the name of w31 in /var/mobile/. This folder will be used for installing Windows 3.1
Ok now open DosPad and type mount –u c. This command will be used to unmount the C: drive in your device.
mount c ~/w31 will be used to mount the empty folder that we have created earlier on the C drive.
mount a ~/winsetup will be used to mount all the installation files on winsetup folder.
Use a: to change the directory to a: drive.
Type setup to begin the installation. Run all the installation phases of Windows 3.1, until you reach the final stage.
Here you will reboot your system by exiting DosPad and clearing multitask bar too.
Relaunch the DosPad and type mount –u c, mount c ~/w31, c:, cd WINDOWS one by one.
In the end, type win and press the Enter.
Related: How to Install Windows 11 on VMware Workstation?
Congratulation! you have successfully installed Windows 3.1 on your iPhone or iPad. If you are stuck in any step, or you are experiencing any error then the comment section is all yours. Comment down, and I will get to your question as soon as possible.