How to use Full Screened Ubuntu on VirtualBox?
If you want to run any OS and have security concerns, then virtualization is a great option for you. However, this is not why you are here, you are here to full screen your Ubuntu on Virtual Box, and we are going to show you how.
Related: How to Enable Virtualization in BIOS?
How to Full Screen Ubuntu on Virtual Box?

We all know to perform virtualization, we will need a host OS (the machine) and the guest OS. Normally on the installation of any OS on a Virtual Box, the screen size will be windowed as by default. You will have a small window and poor resolution.

Stretching the window will only make the thing worse, due to poor resolution.
Related: How to Fix macOS Screen Resolution After OS Installation?

To make it full screen, you will need to increase the video memory of your virtual machine as well as need to enable the 2D and 3D acceleration of your virtual machine. Even though you know it, still as a reminder“you will need more graphics power to improve your display”.
Normally, the virtual machine will use 128 MB of video memory and 2D or 3D acceleration is disabled. Go VM Settings, where you will need to increase the video memory and also needs to enable 2D and 3D Acceleration.
Make the Ubuntu Full Screen
First thing first, start your virtual machine.
Once started, click on the app tray in the bottom left of your screen.

Now open Terminal and use this command:
sudo apt install build-essential dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r)
Type the command and press Enter key. System asks for the password, insert password, and press Enter.
Loading will take place, then type y and press Enter.

Here you will need to click on your virtual machine menu on top and Devices > Insert Guest Additions CD image.
Browse the ISO Disc of Ubuntu and run it.
Another prompt will appear, click Run. Password will be asked, fill the password and proceed.

Close the Terminal and restart your VM (virtual machine).
If the method given above looks challenging, then you can use this simple method too. Go to
VM menu, View> Full-screen mode. You can also use the VirtualBox host keys (R CTRL+F) to full screen your Ubuntu on VirtualBox.
In the View menu, you will find different options as; Full-Screen Mode, Seamless Mode, Scaled Mode, Adjust Window Size, Take Screenshots, Recording, Menu Bar, Status Bar, etc. these all are options that can help you.
Full Screen- will cover your entire screen.
Seamless mode- will make it appear, as you are working on your host (machine).
Scaled Mode- will be adjusted the screen according to a specific ratio.
Ubuntu Virtual Machine Full screen on mac?
Questions were asked on how to perform it on macOS, as the method above was operated on Windows 10. Well on macOS, you will need to perform the same operation demonstrated above.
Go to System Preferences > Display. There you will change the video memory values and will enable the 2D and 3D acceleration of your OS. then restart your VM and Vola, there you have it, Ubuntu in Full Screen on VirtualBox.
Note: in earlier versions of Virtual Box, users with the high-end graphic cards used Ubuntu on VirtualBox. They maxed the graphics, as well as enabled 2D and 3D acceleration. Still, they could make it to full screen. They could use window mode but not full-screen mode. if you are having the same problem, then update your virtual box (if your virtual box is updated then wait for other updates).